Sunday, September 2, 2007


So, this has been a kind of a busy week. Just 36 hours after getting back from the trip, I was back in Provo for the start of MBA Orientation Week.

Here's a quick run down of the schedule:

Monday - Lots of meetings about how hard we are going to work, and school pictures
Tuesday - Team building activities like a climbing wall, giant swing, and games like get everyone on your team across the (fill in the blank) obstacle.
Wednesday - Workshops on majors (i.e. marketing, OB/HR, supply chain, finance, production development), and intro to online resume posting.
Thursday - Resume reviews
Friday - Mock Interviews and Networking/ Keynote Event with Sheri Dew

They sure did pack a lot of information into five days...and that's a good thing. I didn't realize before the trip to Moab and orientation how important net summer's internship search is and how early the recruiting season begins. The career services team for the MBA program is phenomenal! And the program has a fantastic mentoring program in place. Classes haven't even started yet and I already know I've been given a huge head start. (Thanks Sherpas!)

Another important aspect of BYU's MBA program is the small group work. We met our groups on Monday and were with them for different activities throughout the week. There are five of us in our group: Brandon, Joseph, Kenji, Alex, and of course, me. Among the members of our group, I am the only girl, and the only single person in the group. There are also two international students in our group: one from Japan and the other from Italy-by-way-of-Brazil. I'm excited because I think our diverse backgrounds will make for stimulating discussions and a more rich learning environment (which is kinda the point).

Needless to say, even though I dropped $600+ for books this semester, and I have an assignment for a class I haven't even been to yet, I'm so looking forward to this semester and to this program.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Sounds like you will be busy this year. My brother-in-law is in the program and just got back from his internship. He went to AT&T in California. It sounded like a good experience but they make you committ way early in the year. Hope all goes well. ~*Erin