Sunday, April 20, 2008

My first round of golf.

The MBA program always holds a golf tournament every year during the first reading day after classes are over. I took a beginning golf class this semester so I decided to have a go on an actual course instead of just hitting balls at the driving range.

The day got off to a rough start when we arrived at 8 a.m. and there was "frost" on the grass. We had to wait until it warmed up a bit before they would let us start and that small delay turned into an almost 2 hour delay. And it was really cold! When we finally climbed into our carts and headed out, the wind kicked up and it went from really cold to absolutely freezing! The best was went snow flurries started hitting us about hole 14!

We were playing a scramble which meant it moved fast, but still took us about four hours to do all 18 holes. Together with the delay, we were out in the bitter for six hours. Ugh!

Although it was pretty much the worst day to be golfing, it was still a good time. I got to use the different strokes i learned in class and also start to learn how to choose which club to use for which shot. It was almost worth the six hours of freezing to death.

All 99 of us freezing while we waited for the frost to melt.

That's me setting up my shot. (And yes, I'm wearing a parka!)

Yep. That is me actually taking a golf shot. Nice shot!
One of my team members. Fantastic shot!
The other three members of my group putting. We made a pretty good team!

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