Sunday, January 27, 2008

We'll miss you.

Tonight at about 6:30 p.m., our beloved President Hinckley passed away.

Although very sad for those of us left behind here on earth, I know he is in a better place and currently enjoying a joyous reunion with his wife, other family members, past leaders of our church and many others.

I followed him and listened to his counsel not only because he is a prophet of the Lord, but also because he is someone I respected and admired. I love his speaking style: his mix of self-deprecating humor with straight talk were always a joy to listen to. Although I hate to admit it, I would always sit up and pay attention to his talks during General Conference...even when I spaced out or nodded off during the rest. He always had a way of building me up, making me feel like I was a good person who just needed to do better.

One of my favorite memories was when I had the opportunity to attend Conference in person. The Conference Center is a HUGE auditorium that seats 30,000+ people and as people are filing in, it is always a bit noisy. But as soon as President Hinckley appeared at the door, the entire room fell silent and everyone stood up. It never ceased to surprise me. This particular time, he was walking in waving hello with his cane and as he passed the General Authorities seated on the stand, he pretended to rap them on the head with his cane. It was truly hilarious!

So President Hinckley. Thank you for leading and serving us for so many years. We will miss you dearly.

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