Thursday night we had the opportunity to hear from Elder W. Rolfe Kerr at the Marriott School National Advisory Council (NAC) conference dinner. The theme for the conference was Enter to Win, Go Forth to Serve. Here are some of my notes from his talk:
Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve, and Strive to Excel
Enter to Win
- Learn more than is expected of you
- After belief, must follow application in your life
- Be a life-long learner and make changes along the way
- Right now is a time for building character, knowledge and confidence
- Know more about your families and service to the church
- Do more than is expected of you
- Mosiah 2:17: "And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service ofyour God."
- Do the job at hand better than it's ever been done and know your efforts will be rewarded
- Become more than is expected
- Pursue excellence in your person
- Personal
- Consciously succeed at home first
- Seek and merit divine help
- Never compromise your honesty
- Interpersonal
- Remember the people involved
- Hear both sides before judging
- Facilitate success of your associates
- Professional
- Plan tomorrow's (next week's, next year's) work today
- Achieve visibility by your productivity
- Develop one new proficiency each year
- Paraphrasing President Hinckley: "All of us cannot be geniuses but we can all strive to be better." (reference)
- "I'd rather see a sermon, than hear one. I'd rather get my lesson by observing you." (reference)
- Become more than is expected of you
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