One of my favorite things about the BYU MBA program is the quality of speakers we have access to.
Last Friday morning, the women of the Marriott School (MBAs, MPAs, MACCs) and the Law School had the opportunity to hear from Sister Julie Beck, the general Relief Society president of the Church. She was so gracious and genuine. Immediately upon entering the room, she walked right over and greeted us.
She didn't have a formal prepared speech; she just took questions from the audience and some previously emailed in.
Here are some of my notes from her talk (paraphrased of course):
- You are the fruit and flower of the Lord's Kingdom. The Lord had engineered your lives to be here, learning these things so you can build the kingdom.
- Lesson she learned: Tough questions will come. Get over yourself...this is not about you. [It's about the Lord.] Maintain your confidence even when criticism comes (and it will).
- Regarding the controversy surrounding her talk in October 2007 about women working... "In a church of 5.5 million women, why would I be opposed to women working?" Women all over the world are not only working but the sole breadwinners for their families. Make your choices with the Plan [of Salvation] in mind.
- Because we know the plan, we have to take the long road.
- Education is very important for our women.
- You cannot delegate the home responsibilities (i.e. raising and loving your children NOT "housework")
- There is never going to be enough of you to go around. Remember what is important.
- Regarding single women without families and opportunities in front of them: "GO FOR BROKE! Take the opportunities presented to you -- But don't allow those opportunities to take you away from the gospel."
- Regarding insensitive comments about single women and the perception they may be choosing career over family/marriage: "Hold your head up about what you are doing with your life."
- Study Rebekah, Mary and 1 Nephi for examples of women. Remember every experience Nephi went through, his wife also went through. The scriptures tell the story of women indirectly.
- Go to the temple and pay attention!
- Our role in the Plan can not be delegated.
- When the Relief Society was organized, women were officially part of the Church. This is NOT a women's club lead by men. We are active participants in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The women early in the Church knew the whole thing depended on them. (Haha! Who makes sure the men get to the temple?). It is a shared partnership.
- Regarding where she gets her subject matter for her talks: "Talks come straight from the Lord."
- Everything is possible by relying on the Savior.
- Regarding getting an education at the BYU Marriott School and Law School: "The Lord is investing his funds in you."